Instructor will ensure understand by lecture format and answer any questions. (10 minutes).
Students arrive 15 minutes early to sign in for class. Students must arrive on time. If they arrive after the class has begun, they will not be admitted and will need to reschedule. They must bring a Class Code showing a confirmation email and a form of identification to class. It does not have to be a photo ID. Examples of acceptable identification include a government-issued driver’s license or non-driver photo identification card, school or college ID, work ID, birth certificate, social security card, etc. If you are unable to provide identification, you will not be admitted to class.
Instructor will make sure everyone is in the correct class and registered properly showing their picture ID. Payment will be made prior to class starting. Tuition price will be less than $100.
Class will start with the following information given by the instructor.
A student under age 21, who is convicted of two or more moving violations within a 24-month period, will have his/her driver’s license suspended for a minimum of 30 days. The length of the suspension varies according to the seriousness of the traffic offenses. A driver may be required to complete a Driver Remedial Education Course as part of reinstatement of driving privileges. This information will be indicated on the suspension notice.
This mandatory requirement for reinstatement of driving privileges is participation in an approved Graduate to Safety Driver Remedial Education course. The fee for this course will not exceed $100.00..
Failure to attend and complete this course will prohibit the reinstatement of driving privileges.
If the length of your suspension is six (6) months or greater, you will be required to appear at a driver services facility to re-apply for a driver’s license or instruction permit at the termination of the suspension period provided you are eligible for reinstatement. All tests, issuance fees and payment of any outstanding fees will be required at the time of your application.
Any additional information regarding the course requirements may be directed to the Driver’s Analysis Section at 217-782-2720. For all questions regarding your suspension, additional tickets which have extended your suspension and outstanding ticket fines you must speak to a representative of the Traffic Violations Section at 217-785-8619
Short video Introduction 2 minutes
Remedial $ Hour Program by Eyad Malley
Rules of Road Signs Game Warm-up 10 minutes
Remedial Curriculum 4 hour One Day Course
Illinois State Rules
Remedial Education Program
Graduate to Safety Student Interview Questions for each student may vary
1) What is the reason your license was suspended?
2) Why did you choose not to follow the law?
3) Will your suspension deter you from breaking the law in the future? Why or why not?
4) How could you have prevented this suspension?
5) How many passengers were in the vehicle when the violations occurred?
6) What other steps do you need to do to get your license reinstated?
7) In what other ways are you or others affected by this suspension?
Graduate to Safety Student Entrance / Exit Survey
1) Why do you think this class is required to get your license reinstated?
2) Why do you think the Graduated Driver Licensing Program is in place?
3) What will happen to your license if your driving habits do not change?
4) Why do you think young drivers have more restrictions on their license?
5) How does a suspension affect a driver, other than not being able to drive?
6) What do you think is the most common cause of collisions?
7) What substances are covered under DUI laws?
8) What electronic devices are dangerous and distracting to drivers?
9) Do you think others would describe your driving as aggressive?
10) How will you change your driving habits so your license does not get suspended/revoked
in the future?
Remedial Final
Course Description
This Course is designed to serve as a deterrent to unsafe driving practices. Students will reflect back on the decisions that were made leading to their suspension and how to prevent future tickets and infractions. They will learn why certain rules and regulations are in place and the importance of following them. Students will participate in activities and discussion to help them better understand the importance of good decision–making. Illinois Rules of the Road will be reviewed and the new laws for the current year will be introduced. Students will leave with a better understanding of the importance of a positive attitude toward the driving task.
Introduction (15 mins.)
Students will sign in to the class and be introduced as to why they are here (ex. 2 moving violations in 2 years) They will be informed of the three steps to getting their licence reinstated. 1) Serve the suspension dates 2) complete the remedial class 3) pay the reinstatement fee.
Activity/Discussion (30 mins)
Students will complete a survey of their thoughts and attitudes about driving. Responses will brought up for group discussion. Individuals will be able to share their personal experiences as well. This survey will be completed at the end of class as well and responses compared.
Course Content
Attitude & behavior (40 mins.)
Young drivers seem more focused on having fun rather than following the laws. Our attitudes affect our behaviors: people who are angry, act aggressively. If teens’ attitudes reflected the importance of the driving task rather than the excitement, there would be far less accidents attributed younger divers. Research shows that a brain is not fully developed until about the age of 25. Yet, we grant 16 year olds the privilege of operating a 2,000 lb. motor vehicle. Specifically, the part of the brain that controls impulses and weighs consequences in underdeveloped. This may be why a teen can express the dangers of speeding, too many passengers or, not wearing a seatbelt, but will engage in those practices anyway. It can be very difficult for a teen to resist those impulses or peer pressure.
Activity (20 mins)
Students will complete an interview of why their license was suspended and identify problem behaviors and come up with ways to correct the problem and prevent this from happening in the future.
Decision–Making Skills (15 mins)
It is important for teens to realize that their decisions have real consequences. Most will not take their consequences too seriously. They pay a fine, then go make the same poor decision again. Unfortunately, the consequence that evokes change is the one that is permanent. In order for their behavior to change, they must first realize that their actions have the potential to seriously affect themselves or others.
Video: AT&T Texting and Driving (Video length 9 mins / discussion 16 mins)
Students will watch a video on texting and driving and identify the consequences of the decisions those people made. What could they have done differently? Do you think this was their first time texting behind the wheel? Do you think they will make the decision to text and drive again? **emphasize that it was probably not their first time texting and driving. They knew it was bad, but did it anyway and the only reason they probably won’t do it anymore is because it had a dire consequence.
Illinois Rules of the Road (20 mins)
The current edition of Illinois Rules of the Road will be reviewed with an emphasis on Chapter 4, Traffic Laws and Chapter 3: Drivers Under Age 21. New laws for the year will be introduced and the Graduated Driver Licensing Program explained. Speed Limits, Distracted Driving and Right of Way laws will be covered. Chapter 6: Driving Under the Influence, Chapter 8: Driver’s License Revocation, Suspension, Denial, Cancellation will also have a brief overview.
Test #1 (20 mins)
Students will take a brief exam on the Rules of the Road to prepare for possible re-examination upon reinstatement of their license. Students will be required to pass with a score of 70% or higher.
IV Aggressive Driving Quiz (15 mins)
Students will take a self-assessment on their driving habits and determine if they are aggressive drivers. Grading scale will be given and students will be able to evaluate how risky of a driver they are.
Source: Quiz link
behavior modification is structured learning in which new skills and other behaviors are learned, undesired reactions and habits are reduced, and the client becomes more motivated fo
Secretary of State Information (10 mins)
Students will be given information about what steps need to be taken to get their driving privileges reinstated. Reinstatement payment information will be provided along with contact information for the Secretary of State’s office.
VI Final Test / Conclusion (30 mins)
Students will take a 56 question Final Exam on what they have learned including the rules of the road.
Questions (15 mins) Total 4hrs 15 mins
The instructor will stay and answer any questions that students may have about their personal situation and give information about Restricted Driving Permits
SAFETY Chesapeake TIP Employers Insurance
Your workers’ compensation specialist
Take a minute to test yourself. See if you have developed aggressive driving habits that could threaten your safety, the safety of your passengers, and the safety of others on the road.
Yes or no, do you…
Do you come to a complete stop at stop signs, before turning right on red, and at red lights?
Do you speed to make it through a yellow light?
Do you avoid using inappropri- ate gestures or language when angry with other drivers?
Do you avoid challenging other
Do you pass other vehicles on
Do you follow the rules at a four-way stop?
the left?
Do you yield to faster traffic by moving to the right?
Do you keep to the right as much as possible on narrow streets or at intersections?
Do you stay a safe distance behind other vehicles, bicycles or motorcycles?
Do you make sure there is enough room when cutting in after passing vehicles?
Do you yield to pedestrians?
Do you drive below posted speed limits when weather conditions are bad?
Do you drive at lower speeds in construction zones?
Do you avoid using your cell phone, reading, putting on makeup, etc.?
Do you avoid inflicting loud music on neighboring cars?
Do your passengers comment on your “good driving”?
Do you drive the speed limit in
Score yourself:
# of “no’s”
Do you use your turn signals for turns and lane changes?
How you rate
Excellent driver
Good driver
Do you use your horn sparingly?
Do you yield to emergency ve- hicles by pulling over to the right side of the road?
Very aggressive
Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
On the Next Business Day –
Your completion information will be emailed to the Secretary of State’s office. It may take up to two weeks for your record to be updated!
When you have paid your reinstatement fee, taken any other tests required by the Secretary of State and have finished your suspension period – you will receive notification from the Secretary of State that your license is valid and it is OKAY to drive.
Contact the Secretary of State’s office for any additional information
Thank you
Remedial Attendance Sheet
For records
Date of Class
Location Class Number
Date of Birth
Identification Checked Students sign in at the start of class – all sign up sheets are attached
Graduate to Safety Student Interview Questions for each student may vary
1) What is the reason your license was suspended?
2) Why did you choose not to follow the law?
3) Will your suspension deter you from breaking the law in the future? Why or why not?
4) How could you have prevented this suspension?
5) How many passengers were in the vehicle when the violations occurred?
6) What other steps do you need to do to get your license reinstated?
7) In what other ways are you or others affected by this suspension?
Graduate to Safety Student Entrance / Exit Survey
1) Why do you think this class is required to get your license reinstated?
2) Why do you think the Graduated Driver Licensing Program is in place?
3) What will happen to your license if your driving habits do not change?
4) Why do you think young drivers have more restrictions on their license?
5) How does a suspension affect a driver, other than not being able to drive?
6) What do you think is the most common cause of collisions?
7) What substances are covered under DUI laws?
8) What electronic devices are dangerous and distracting to drivers?
9) Do you think others would describe your driving as aggressive?
10) How will you change your driving habits so your license does not get suspended/revoked
in the future?
You must log in and have started this course to submit a review.